Thursday, March 8, 2012

Much ado about development: Fairhaven’s neighbor plan in 250 words or less

            If you live or work in Fairhaven, chances are that you’ve heard about the new neighborhood plan that is in the works. But you also may have asked yourself, what is the fuss about, and why does it matter?
            The fact is, the neighborhood plan has not been truly updated since 1980, resident and neighborhood association member Paul James said.
            “Many of us are concerned about preserving our high quality of life if we go on with the vague language from 1980,” James said.
            What’s on the table? Building heights, parking, energy efficiency, and traffic, to name a few key issues. Everything in the neighborhood plan is geared towards preserving Fairhaven’s key values and preparing it for future development. Mediating the constant and quiet tension between the commercial and residential sectors of the neighborhood will be an important part of the city’s role in this update.
            What can you do about it? The Fairhaven Neighbors have been very active in preventing a rise in height standards; there’s even a petition if you care as much as they do. You can also drop in to their next meeting, where the plan will be discussed.
            Fairhaven has evolved from a buzzing 19th century port town to a historical urban village that is holding its own in the new millennium. It will doubtlessly continue to develop; what role will you play in its continuing evolution?

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